The Truth
It's been a long time. I haven't been able to write. And people haven't been very able to tell me their stories. This is why: THE TRUTH ...
What Else Is There?
A Sunday Story that is not mine alone, but fused together by the hearts of many. I get into the car and immediately take off my mask. I...
The Rain & The Puke
I find myself struggling a lot right now with something, and I suspect many of you are too. It's something I wonder how I have not...
Saturday Afternoon
This Sunday Story came from a dream. I dream sometimes in stories. This is one of them. I am getting the vacuum cleaner out when the...
I want.
This morning I sent a text to about twenty people. I asked them what they wanted. I asked them to tell me the first thing that came to...
I just read a really profound article. It was at and called The American Life Is Killing You. It was written by Erik...
Just Me
I don't have Sunday Stories right now because I am working really hard on final revisions for a book I wrote about a hundred years ago. ...
No Such Things
A Sunday Story, told to me by many. “Did you see all those heads turn in your pearly white Christian conservative church tonight when I...
It's Her
A Sunday Story inspired by . . . I can't quite recall. My phone pings and I look down, see Daron’s name on a text message. “What’s this...
Red Everywhere
A Sunday Story inspired by several real events, full of so many heavy messages. The door is heavy against my hip as I try to push my way...